Good quality and properly designed Sample Conditioning Systems are often underestimated as a key component for gas sampling applications.
We have a range of both turnkey and custom solutions to provide reliable sampling systems that will not only protect but improve overall system performance and accuracy.
Horiba ENDA-5000 Series (CEMS)
The ENDA-5000 series can measure with one system, any of the following components in any combination: NO
x, SO
2, CO, CO
2, O
Industry applications include:
- Steam boilers
- Iron and steel processing
- Sulphuric acid plants (fertilisers)
- Gas furnaces
- Waste incinerators
- Gas-fired power plants
Horiba PG350 Portable Emissions Analyser (PEMS)
Portable analyser for simultaneous measurement (with laboratory-level) precision of NO
x, SO
2, CO, CO
2, O
2, and CH
4 (model dependant):
- Compliant also as CEMS backup.
- Applications include combustion, research and emissions testing.
Horiba VA/VS3000 Multi-Component Gas Analyser and Sample Conditioning System
A single 19" rack mount VA3000 analyser complete with a VS3000 sampling system is capable of simultaneously measuring multiple gas components such as CO, CO
2, O
2, NO
x, SO
2, CH
4, N
2O and other gases.
The VS3000 can be used in conjunction with other brands of gas analysers or matched with the Horiba VA3000 series. These units can be supplied individually or paired up.